24 November 2008

Alphabet Meme

A ll About Eve
B attle of Algiers, The
C hinatown
D oulos, Le
E uropa 51
H iroshima Mon Amour
I mitation of Life (Douglas Sirk)
J udex
K nack, The
M ama Roma
N otte, La
O tto e Mezzo
P assenger, The aka Profesion: Reporter
Q uatre Cent Coups
S avage Innocents, The
T axi Driver
U gestu
V ertigo
W ild Bunch, The
Y eux Sans Visage
Z odiac

I saw this post on Self-Styled Siren's site, which came from this site so I decided that would be a fun thing to do, although for me a struggle if I did it in front of a PC. So last Saturday as I caught the train to go out I took a blank peice of paper and scribbled down my thoughts.